Second Corona Virus Confinement dinner
Second Corona Virus Confinement dinner
I am now the 3rd day confined in my Umbrian Countryhouse “Buon Respiro”. I am anything else than bored! Between finishing David Sinclair’s exciting book on aging, reading finally an entire version of the Economist, running, exercising, writing about cooking, I still come only after 7 pm into the kitchen. But it is the joy of the day. The menu was simple:
- Soup of pigeon, vegetables and fregola
- Pigeon breast (cooked to keep it bloody inside!) with Veggie/Potato Mash and Broccoletti. The Broccoletti were from the local farmer marked and “ripassata in padella”. How to treat appropriately a pigeon I learnd from the Restaurant Alchimista in Montefalco. Potato Mash with Veggies has been inspired by Maria Luisa Scolastra from Villa Roncalli.
How many days of confinement we got?
.the wines
I had open: a “Grauburgunder Spaetlese” and a “Schwarzriesling” from my Pfalz Winery Anlag Nichterlein. I added a Divina Villa Etichetta Bianca from “Duca della Corgna”. As expected the Soup was requiring a white wine. The “Grauburgunder Spaetlese” (completely dry) mixed very well with the soup. Divina Villa, Etichetta Bianca is a winning choice for poultry, Thee potato mash with Guanciale was asking for something stronger as a typical Umbrian Sangiovese. Wine Food Pairing for a Menu is always a compromise
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